Information Technology Security Articles:
Articles related to the research the CFITS Department is doing
Cyber Security:
- Title: From information security to cyber security
- Title: Human Factors in the Cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles: Trends in Current Research
- Title: Cybersecurity in accounting research
- Title: Cyber security in the Smart Grid
- Title: Cyber Security without Cyber War
- Title: Cyber security of a power grid: State-of-the-art
- Title: The Vulnerabilities of Our Voting Machines
- Title: Network Structure Explains the Impact of Attitudes on Voting Decisions
Data Science Ensemble:
- Title: Ensemble Methods: Elegant Techniques to Produce Improved Machine Learning Results
- Title: 5 Ways to Protect your Systems from Exploits
Health Informatics:
- Title: Health Informatics—Ambitions and Purpose
- Title: Health Informatics in the Public Health 3.0 Era: Intelligence for the Chief
Health Strategists
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:
- Title: Machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and prospects
- Title: Technology with ingenuity