Communication Graduate Assistantships
Graduate assistantships may be awarded to qualified communication graduate students by a competitive application process. Assistants currently receive an $8,000 academic-year stipend ($4,000 per semester) and a tuition waiver for up to 10 semester credit hours each term of the appointment. Students are assigned departmental positions that focus on teaching or research. Some fees, such as computer and student activity fees, are the student’s responsibility.
Frequently asked questions and more information about graduate assistantships can be found here.
Students must complete a graduate assistantship application, and submit three letters of recommendation. Communication graduate students who wish to teach must also submit a statement describing their teaching philosophy. Students are encouraged to submit their completed application at least two months before the assistantship is scheduled to begin. PRIORITY DUE DATES: April 1 (for the Fall semester) and November 1 (for the Spring semester). If positions remain open, later applications may be considered.
Graduate forms, including an assistantship application, can be found here.
Communication graduate students with research assignments assist department faculty in research and office administration, help with special projects, and provide support or course instruction.
Students with teaching responsibilities generally assist with the teaching of two sections of CA 110, public speaking, and attend weekly staff meetings. These communication graduate assistants are responsible to the Instructor of Record for the particular course. Teaching assistants are expected to strictly adhere to the guidelines set forth in the teaching assistants manual. Failure to do so may result in dismissal.
Other responsibilities include:
- Working at least 20 hours per week.
- Registering for at least 6 hours of course work.
- Reporting for work at the beginning of registration each semester. Final exam week is also a work week.
- Establishing regular office hours and keeping a weekly log of hours worked and work completed.
Evaluation and Renewal
Communication assistantship renewal is contingent upon evaluations from the Department of Communication supervising faculty member, graduate coordinator and department chair. Renewal of an assistant-ship for a second semester or year is contingent upon remaining in good standing in department, satisfactory performance of duties, and financial exigency of the University. Failure to complete a given semester’s duties will necessitate reimbursement of tuition fees to the university. Students with full-time jobs are not eligible for assistant-ships. Students with part-time jobs must submit a written request for approval from the graduate coordinator and the department chair. Assistant-ships may not exceed two years.
Communication graduate assistants are responsible for adhering to all rules and policies set for by the Graduate School.