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(100-word limit)Professional goalsWhat are your educational and 911 goals in the next five years, and how will this project advance your progress towards them? (100-word limit)ReferenceThis is not your mentor, but another faculty member that knows you well.NameEmail addressCategory (to aid in assigning reviewers)Choose one that best classifies your project: Arts or humanities Chemical or biochemical science/engineering Earth or physical science/engineering Health or life science/engineering Medical science/engineering Mathematics or computing (including their applications in engineering) Social science/business/education     SURF Proposal Preparation Worksheet   -.67=>?MNZ[deopwxj n źůŝ̀̀̀uju_h Jh-2OJQJh Jh{OJQJh Jh_OJQJh JhpOJQJh Jh(OJQJ h JhjMh JhjMOJQJ h JhIh JhIOJQJh Jh$ GOJQJ h JhWh JhWOJQJ h JhTih JhTiOJQJ h Jh$h Jh$5OJQJhCb%   Skd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt Jd$#$/Ifgd Jl ,-rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J-.56rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kdL$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J67<=rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J=>LMrUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt JMNYZrUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd>$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt JZ[cdrUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt JdenorUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt JopvwrUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd0$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt JwxrUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd|$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J @ rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd"$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J . ? @ A S T m r y z { ~ 3 C f w x y    # $ % / w 㷬ء؋th JhZOJQJh Jhr5OJQJh Jh{`OJQJh JhzOJQJh JhpOJQJh Jh-2OJQJh JhjMOJQJh Jh(OJQJh Jh iOJQJh Jh_OJQJh JhfvOJQJh JhWOJQJ h JhW-@ A S rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J x rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kdn$$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt Jx y $ rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd $$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J$ % / x rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd $$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt Jw x y    , 8 S [ o ̫̫xmeaeaeaeah2~jh2~Uh7r5>*OJQJ h Jh2 h JhYY/OJQJh JhzOJQJh JhIOJQJh Jh 1OJQJh JhOJQJh Jhb#OJQJh Jh2 OJQJh Jh#OJQJh Jh2 5OJQJh Jh$ GOJQJ h Jhrh JhrOJQJ&x y ~  rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd` $$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J rUUd$#$/Ifgd Jl kd $$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J rUUU4  & Fd$#$/Ifgd Jl d$#$/Ifgd Jl kd $$Ifl0 $  t0644 lapyt J & L o OJgd 1kdR $$IflY0 $  t0644 lapyt J  & Fd$#$/Ifgd Jl  ()*+,-./01234gd 1$a$gd$ dgdTi'()*+,-./0134h7r5>*OJQJh$h$5OJQJh$5OJQJh2~h$21h:p+/ =!"#$% $$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V l t065 5pyt J$$Ifq!vh#v #v:V lY t065 5pyt Jw666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666 OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List >@> Ti0HeaderdH$.. 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